Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Where do you look?

What do you need for significance? Just ponder it for a moment. You want it. You want to be significant.

Maybe you just want the few people who surround you to find you interesting. Could it be that "all you need" is a family to pour yourself into? Might it be that "all you need" is to do something great that people will remember? Write something of great literary merit. Post more points than Kobe. Create foreign policies on the level with Henry Kissinger.

What are you really looking for in sex? Is it not that you will achieve some level of physical intimacy with the end in mind of achieving some emotional intimacy? Is it not that you want to be naked in front of someone who will look back into your eyes, know your deepest fears, and then tell you they love you...forever?

Why do you need that? What difference does it make? No one will remember your name in a few generations time. So why this pining for significance? Why the clamor for applause? Why the backflips for shock value? Why market yourself like some cheap product in the hopes that you'll grace the upper echelon of your given market?

The top of the old market is the bottom of a new one.

If we are just a pile of atoms, of what use is significance? What use are morals? If we are just atoms, then Nietzsche was right. Nihilism wins the day. The strong man conquers.

If what i see is a world of people doing jumping jacks for just a crumb of attention, I can't conclude that this is simply a product of randomly firing neural synapses. I don't think that anyone really believes that the rational and emotional entered via that route. The whole thing begs for a better explanation.

I believe we are to find that significance somewhere else. Somewhere other. We were made to participate in the laughter of the Trinity.


scbphotography said...

i agree!

Duncan said...

ok..that was awesome. i agree too