Friday, May 23, 2008


Ever since I started my job, it has been difficult to find time to post. I don't really understand how working people find time to breathe, much less time to spend blogging, reading the newspaper, or reading anything period. At school I could find time to complete my schoolwork, time to spend with my lovely friends, time to read interesting books, time to read the newspaper and keep up with the world. Now that I'm home, I find time for work, sleep, and ellen. Bout it. Suffice it to say, I need to do some readjusting of schedules.

Sidenote: I discovered something interesting yesterday. In Alabama there exists DeSoto Caverns and DeSoto State Park. I've always known that the name refers to Hernando DeSoto, one of the "discoverers" of many parts of Alabama. Yesterday, I discover that he was basically a mad man, a modern day Ahab looking for treasure, for caverns filled with gold, like had been found in Mexico and Peru. And God forbid you should be in his way, because he would whip out his sword and strike you down. He was responsible for the bloodiest battle that has ever taken place on American soil, more bloody than Antietam. He was a "Conquistador." So why is this man's name on a state park?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow that is so interesting...Ben we need to go there on a date sometime...