Monday, June 9, 2008


I've been reading the book that I mentioned earlier called, "A Journey Long and Strange," by Tony Horowitz, and he mentions a Spanish document called the Requerimiento. This document was created by the Spanish and supported by the Pope. It's purpose? Well, it was a kind of rules of engagement with unmet people groups, especially los indios of the new world. It was to be formally read before any new people with whom the Spanish encountered.

The document gave two options. A. Accept the fact that we are Spain and God has ordained that we have full authority by the Pope to take control of your people and your land. Heed to this proclamation and you will be treated with certain privileges. B. Ignore it and we will conquer you and spare nothing. We will take your homes and decimate them, your women and children and make them into slaves, and your land to make our own homes. No respect will be paid to you or your traditions, your way of living, or your land.

My favorite part about this document? It was often read in the middle of the night, outside the walls of a newly discovered pueblo, with no audience.

Other favorite part? When it was read in front of an audience, the majority of the time there was no translator.

To point out the obvious, either of these scenarios equals zero understanding.

1 comment:

Mae said...

BEN!! I didn't know you had a blog...I will have to add you to "Blog's WE READ" on our site!!! Hope you are doing well and I'm looking forward to the BIG DAY! :)
Magen Davis