Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Guns! Guns! Guns!

According to the New York Times, many states are debating legislation that would make it more difficult for criminals and the mentally ill to obtain guns. Backers of the legislation argue that at the moment, the nation's instant check system doesn't include enough information to protect against these possibilities. I pray these bills pass!

At the same time, these pieces of legislation come at a time during which the N.R.A. is pushing legislation that would allow for weapons on college campuses and weapons in parking decks.

I'll be honest here... I don't know what to think. Citizens have the right to bear arms according to the second amendment. But pushing for legislation to allow guns on college campuses??? Whatever for? How could this possibly be a good idea? Does the N.R.A. really think that this sort of legislation will help anyone? Will there be less Virginia Tech incidents? I think not.

To quote comedian Eddie Izzard: "People always say that guns don't kill people; people kill people. Well....I think the gun helps."

What do you guys think???? I'm in serious need of some dialog on this one!


Cara Elizabeth said...

I think to have guns on campuses across the nation is an idiotic conclusion. If the N.R.A. is trying to legalize the option to fight back when an event such as Virginia Tech arises, they need to rethink it. Does the presence of guys in more peoples hands reduce the likelihood of an attack? Not in the least.

scbphotography said...

a lot of the psych patients i know are a lot like me as a college student. isn't that hypocritical?

people are just mean. bad. black. they are going to kill. i'm not sure it's a smart move to add fuel to the fire... no more weapons in places where violence is a consisent risk!

errrk said...

i think it's important to keep people's protection in mind though. i'm not sure what i think about all of this (and cara and camille make good points) but there are other people involved in crimes besides attackers... the victims. there are countless rapes and attacks on college students all over the country everyday, perhaps a can of mace at the bottom of someone's purse or a distant security guard isn't quite providing enough protection for students walking back to their cars after night classes..
i don't know if having the ability to own a gun is the answer, just something (or someone) else to consider when thinking about about attack situations.